Top Three with B

For those of you who don’t know Barrett Christy-Cummins, she throws down. On snowy booters, willow to pillow lines, in the office and on dance floors. BUT, you probably already know her. She not only was a part of our original Olympic snowboard team that went to Japan, but she now mentors and advocates for young female up and comers to chase their snowboard dreams. Being my best friend, its pretty easy to sit here and praise away, but Barrett is beyond the athlete turned team manager, she holds a special place in the snowboard worlds heart, and yes, she has graced the covers of Pop-Tart boxes, and various snowboard media magazines, is an all time record holder for X-Games medals, and probably Banked Slalom Pendleton blankets, but my favorite element to witness her in, is being a mother to her two kids and partner/wife to the infamous @TubeSteakFace, Temple Cummins.


Spending time in the mountains year-round and staying in shape are essential parts of my life. Now that I’m back from filming my part with Absinthe Films in Haines, Alaska—safe and healthy!—I’m getting back into my off-season activities, like biking, triathlons, and rock climbing. Rock climbing, in particular, has become a crucial element of my season. In Alaska, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the massive mountains and steep terrain, but when I arrived there this season I felt way more comfortable than I had expected. I credit this to all the time I spent rock climbing over the past few years.

Common Ingredient In Personal Care Products Linked To Breast Cancer

Low doses of chemical preservatives widely used in cosmetics, shampoos, skin lotions and other personal care products may be linked to breast cancer, according to a new study from researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. The preservatives are parabens, found in more than a fifth of the products in EWG’s Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database. It’s been known for more than a decade that parabens, which mimic the hormone estrogen, can disrupt lab animals’ endocrine systems, but some scientists argue the concentrations in people are too low to worry about.

B4BC at Exposure 2016

Exposure 2016 marks the 5th year of this amazing event and it’s safe to say it was the best one yet! We had so much fun hanging out in the sponsor village and checking out all of the different contests. From ‘Learn to Skate’ clinics to Pro competitions, there were ladies at all levels shredding all day long! Check out the results here!

5 (Super-Easy) Ways To Feel Like You’re Doing Something Good For The Planet

Do you ever have the desire to more deeply connect with nature? Do you often feel like you don’t have the tools to help the environment? Do you care enough to help? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please accept a digital *applause* from me and the like-minded public. The truth is, we often do, as people of this Earth, feel a desire to connect with nature. We want to help, but we feel like we don’t have the resources to act in a way that makes a real difference. That’s where this list of actionable ideas and useful resources comes in. May they help turn you into an everyday steward of planet Earth. Mother Nature (and your conscience) will thank you.


If you’re already suffering from post-Labor Day beach withdrawals, this video of pro surfer Malia Manuel might help — and inspire you in the process. Born and raised in Hawaii’s surfer paradise, she’s been shredding the islands’ crystalline waves since childhood, gliding her way to the U.S. Open of Surfing championship title at just 14, making her the youngest person to ever achieve that honor.

Megan Pischke on Breast Cancer and Working with B4BC to Inspire and Empower Others

I was just beginning in the snowboard world. I had a few idols that were supporting a good friend through a rough diagnosis of breast cancer at age 26. Monica, my friend, had fought to get doctors to listen to her when she thought the lump in her breast was a problem.

When one finally did listen, it was too late, as it had metastasized. She wanted everyone to know you are never too young to get this disease, and to advocate for your own health. She wanted to share this message through her community, which was the snowboard community.

Chasing Sunshine Ocean Retreat 2016

So many great things and relationships always come out of these weekends, our young women’s retreats, and it’s truly an honor for me to be hosting, and having an opportunity to be so inspired. At our 12th B4BC Chasing Sunshine retreat, September 30-October 1, 2016, we had more than double the amount of applicants than ever before for the 10 Survivorship positions we had available. This shows the need for doing more!