Megan Pischke’s Crystal Vision

I don’t remember when I started to collect crystals. But I do have a pretty good memory of all my dressers and bedside tables growing up. And they were all covered in rocks, shells, odd sticks/driftwood, and random pieces of chewed bubble gum. I remember once my dad bringing me home a bag of polished rocks from Wyoming. The Amethyst, Tigers Eye, and Rose Quartz stuck with me for nearly 20 years in over 6 different homes and lots of travels.


We’re back in Los Angeles after an amazing week in Vail, Colorado at the 34th Annual Burton US Open of Snowboarding. We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather for 4 days of outreach and incredible competition. We spent most of our time in the sponsor village hanging out with visitors from all over the world, spreading the word about early detection and prevention.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Our newest secret to live a toxic free life: Avocado oil

Avocados: It was really only a matter of time before the ubiquitous superfood made its way into beauty cabinets everywhere. If you know us here at B4BC, you know we’re AVO OBSESSED and now we’ve got even more ways to incorporate our favorite superfood into our every day. The fruit’s oil is slowly gaining ground as a self-care staple and is the perfect swap for some of those toxic products that are often found in our beauty routines.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // How does confidence play a role in breast cancer prevention?

Maintaining a positive attitude can help assure good overall health in all realms— physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Having that positive attitude in regards to how you view yourself (aka loving yourself) is one of our 8 Steps to Stomp Out Breast Cancer & whether you realize it or not, self confidence is a huge part of loving yourself. We want you to trust yourself and to have faith in your goals, dream, and desires. These qualities will propel you to go for what you want, without letting any obstacles get you down. Confidence plays a big role in living your happiest and HEALTHIEST life and we’re sharing 10 surefire ways to elevate that sense of self worth.

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Reduce your breast cancer risk + your carbon footprint with this food group

Climate change may seem to many of us a challenge too daunting to tackle directly through our own actions. But there is one small change each of us can make to play our part: We can shift our diets so they’re healthier and more environmentally sustainable. The type of food we choose to eat makes up a large part of our personal carbon footprint. The meat and dairy that make up 22 percent of diets in the developed world emit large amounts of greenhouse gases — particularly dangerous methane and nitrous oxide. But there’s a more understated food group that has a relatively tiny carbon footprint and is highly nutritious and rich in protein and essential micronutrients: pulses.