It’s Personal // Share Your Story!

Every week we share the story of someone who is or has been affected by breast cancer. It’s Personal for many of us. If you personally are a fighter or survivor, or if you want to share the story of a loved one, we would love to hear about it! Tell us why It’s Personal…

Pause for Prevention: Get Moving!

We hope that wherever you are, the weather is as beautiful as it is here in sunny L.A. Spring has brought on some lovely weather, and we are loving every minute of it! Take advantage of the sunshine and move your workouts outdoors. Being active and exercising regularly is a crucial way to help prevent…

Pause 4 Prevention // Is Your Makeup Bag Toxic?

Morning routine: Wake up. Take a shower. Do your hair. Smear some lead and formaldehyde on your face. Wait what?? Yup. Your makeup and beauty products might contain some really gross ingredients that you don’t know about, including chemicals and toxins linked to an increased breast cancer risk. Even products labeled “natural” or “organic” may…

IT’S PERSONAL // Amanda Greene

We would like to introduce Amanda Greene, our newest member and Director of Development! This week, we are sharing her story. Read on to learn how Amanda became involved with B4BC and why It’s Personsal. I’ll never forget the day breast cancer became personal to me. I came home to my husband, Josh, sitting in the…

SURF TEAM RIDERS // Congrats to Courtney & Malia!

Congratulations to B4BC Team Riders Courtney Conlogue and Malia Manuel on top finishes yesterday at the Telstra Drug Aware Pro at Margaret River in Western Australia! Courtney and Malia met head to head in the final heat of the ASP Prime event with incredible performances from both ladies, but it was Courtney’s powerful backhand attack…

Welcome B4BC to the South Bay at the Seaside Soiree, Hosted by Bo Bridges Gallery! We have partnered with Hermosa Beach-based surf company Spyder Surf Shops for the Fifth Annual Surf Fest! Join us for a night of music and victuals, and kick it with surf industry friends and athletes. We’re also auctioning off some fabulous prize…