CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Broccoli Avocado Arugula Soup

It’s finally starting to feel a bit like Fall which means we are ready to bust out our boots & scarves and chow down on some delicious cold-weather food! If you didn’t get it from the name, this soup is JAM PACKED with greens to help nourish your body. It may not look like much, but this creamy soup packs a ton of greens and good fat that combined, keep you full and give you tons of energy; not to mention, the greens hold some serious cancer-fighting nutrients! Not only is it insanely healthy, this soup is SO simple to make. It truly takes just a few minutes. Steam, sauté, add water, then blend!

B4BC x GNU Giveaway!

B4BC and GNU teamed up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to give you a reason to put health education at your fingertips! By downloading the B4BC app, you could win a brand new GNU BPRO board, signed by Barrett Christy and shown here with Team B4BC rider Kaitlyn Farrington.

B4BC’s 9th Annual Skate the Coast Raises $20K

This weekend marked the end of this year’s Skate Series with 100 participants coming out to B4BC’s 9th Annual Skate the Coast! The skaters pushed along a beautiful 18-mile course from the Santa Monica Pier to the Redondo Beach pier while raising over $20,000 for B4BC’s education, prevention and support programs!

B4BC’s 9th Annual Skate the Coast Raises $20K

This weekend marked the end of this year’s Skate Series with 100 participants coming out to B4BC’s 9th Annual Skate the Coast! The skaters pushed along a beautiful 18-mile course from the Santa Monica Pier to the Redondo Beach pier while raising over $20,000 for B4BC’s education, prevention and support programs! Skaters, bikers, and bladers…

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // EWG’S Dirty Dozen Cancer Prevention Edition

The Environmental Working Group is well know for their Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen lists that classify popular fruits and veggies into groups based on their pesticide residue levels. They recently switched it up and produced a list that includes 12 harmful, cancer-causing chemicals and different ways to avoid them. Study the list below to get a good idea on simple ways to avoid some of those nasty chemicals that are out there today.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // 17 Easy Tips to Live a Little Greener

The environment can be a grim topic, but our approach to it doesn’t have to be. It’s a no brainer that free radicals are harmful to our bodies and the environment. As more and more studies link that the likely increase of breast cancer is due to environmental factors, it’s important for us to do our part to live green and work towards a healthier environment for everyone to live in. In order to be the best it can be, the planet needs a little love! We’ve got 17 super simple steps you can take to help you live a little bit more green.

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // The 411 on Fermentation

If you’re at all interested in health or nutrition, you’ve probably heard people raving about the benefits of fermented foods. We’re fans of ferments (things like yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, pickles and miso), but like anything, it’s important to have a good, thorough understanding about why things are so good for you. Sure, they contain probiotics, which are good for the immune system—but what does that really mean? How exactly do fermented foods benefit your health?


If you’re a driven, passionate person who wants to do great things, you probably have a tendency to overload yourself with endless meetings, appointments and to-do lists. We get it — feeling busy can make us feel good but this typically only goes well for a while until, one day, you wake up completely exhausted, overwhelmed and drained. Those are not adjectives that generally describe a healthy, happy person.