BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // The Alcohol Impact & How to Help Your Body

There’s no getting around it: alcohol does a number on our bodies — including exacerbating hormonal issues like fibroids and endometriosis and increasing our risk for breast cancer. But we’re not here to make you feel guilty for having a glass of wine. Really! Rather, we want to make sure you’re aware of the impact it has on your health and how to get your body back up to speed.


Maintaining a healthy body weight and staying active is oh so important when it comes to reducing your breast cancer risk. Some of you may not know, but fat cells produce most of the estrogen in the female body. The more fat tissue in a woman’s body, the higher her estrogen levels are likely to be, and the higher her risk of breast cancer. Aside from eating smart and staying active, there are a few other things we can do to help combat those pesky fat cells. In comes TEA — helping you lose weight, or more specifically, preventing your body from being able to gain weight. There are so many different kinds of teas out there that do tons of different things for your body. We’ve got a list of 6 of the best wellness-boosting teas out there for you to try!

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Megan’s Guide to Oil Pulling

Who knew this little baby could do so much good for our body. This week’s post comes from our friend and B4BC Wellness Ambassador Megan Pischke! If you’re like us, you’ve heard about oil pulling by now. It became a HUGE trend not too long ago because of the so-called benefits. Megan decided to hop on the bandwagon and find out if it really is worth the time. Read up on Megan’s experience and decide if you want to try oil pulling out for yourself!


It’s a wrap on B4BC’s 11th Skate the Lake! We had an amazing weekend in Lake Tahoe filled with tons of fun and an overwhelming amount of love and support and… it was a record breaking year! Our 100 participants raised over $26,000 for Boarding for Breast Cancer’s education, prevention and support programs!


B4BC’s 11th annual Skate The Lake 28-mile longboard-a-thon in Lake Tahoe last weekend was an unprecedented success, with almost 100 skaters raising over $30K for Boarding for Breast Cancer’s education, prevention and support programs! We had an amazing weekend filled with tons of fun and an overwhelming amount of love and support from the Tahoe community. We…

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Quick Tips to Reduce Your Risk

It’s always the right time to be proactive about your health and it’s always the right time to start preventing. This isn’t about grand detoxes or cleanses, though they do work when done correctly. The important stuff is what we do every single day. Summer is in full force and we know your schedules are packed, but that’s no excuse to throw your health to the wayside. Small habits can make a big difference in the long run. Here are 4 simple things you can start doing to help prevent breast cancer today!

How to Live Green

It’s a no brainer that free radicals are harmful to you and the environment. As more and more studies link that the likely increase of breast cancer is due to environmental factors, it’s important for us to do our part to “live green” and work towards a healthier environment for everyone to live in.