Megan Pischke on Breast Cancer and Working with B4BC to Inspire and Empower Others

I was just beginning in the snowboard world. I had a few idols that were supporting a good friend through a rough diagnosis of breast cancer at age 26. Monica, my friend, had fought to get doctors to listen to her when she thought the lump in her breast was a problem.

When one finally did listen, it was too late, as it had metastasized. She wanted everyone to know you are never too young to get this disease, and to advocate for your own health. She wanted to share this message through her community, which was the snowboard community.

Chasing Sunshine Ocean Retreat 2016

So many great things and relationships always come out of these weekends, our young women’s retreats, and it’s truly an honor for me to be hosting, and having an opportunity to be so inspired. At our 12th B4BC Chasing Sunshine retreat, September 30-October 1, 2016, we had more than double the amount of applicants than ever before for the 10 Survivorship positions we had available. This shows the need for doing more!

B4BC Celebrates 20th Anniversary with “Amplify” Art Exhibition

On October 6th, 2016, we celebrated our 20th anniversary of Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC) with hundreds of supporters, photographers, artists, and athletes in the downtown Los Angeles Arts District, hosted at the BeCore warehouse space. It was one of those special nights to remember where a gathering of people who have supported B4BC over the years came together, along with icons in art such as Man One, RISK, Marcel “Sel” Blanco, Ernesto Yerena, Caia Kooman, and Shepard Fairey who joined forces to help fundraise for B4BC and spread the word about the need for ongoing education, awareness, and after-care support for young breast cancer survivors.

breast cancer prevention // Why We Love Water

Just because summertime is no longer here and we don’t have to beat the heat, doesn’t mean we can slack on making sure we keep our bodies hydrated. This week, B4BC’s Health + Wellness Manager Megan Pischke through her struggle with breast cancer, we asked Megs to contribute on a topic that was meaningful to her as a wellness tool. Learn why water is so important in her life and why it should be in yours, and how to seamlessly add infused water to your daily diet!

B4BC x Warped Tour 2016

Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC) was very stoked and thankful to attend the 2016 Vans Warped Tour at the San Diego, Mountain View and Pomona dates as the Tour rolled through California August 5-7! We were able to meet hundreds of young people and promote our ideas of early detection and a healthy, active, and sustainable lifestyle as the best means for breast cancer prevention.