TASTY TUESDAYS // Spiced Sweet Potatoes

So it turns out someone might ask you to bring something to a Thanksgiving or holiday party this season…and we’ve got you covered with this delightfully sweet and slightly spicy HEALTHY treat from our friends at Goofy Foot Foods!  Get the recipe and read about the mega nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes below, and if…

TASTY TUESDAYS // Butternut Squash Kale Salad

The weather is getting chillier but that doesn’t mean a good salad won’t hit the spot! It’s time to take advantage of what’s in season and whip up some fantastically creative and oh so delicious dishes. That’s where this recipe comes in! Combine the superfood of all superfoods, kale, with roasted butternut squash, and chickpeas, add a drizzle of tahini dressing, and you’ve got yourself a cancer-fighting, phytonutrient packed, all around insanely healthy salad that will be sure to get your taste buds excited!


We have to face it. It’s that time of year when the weather starts to cool down and we start to crave all kinds of warm, delicious comfort foods. Only problem with this it that comfort foods don’t tend to be the healthiest foods, thus the extra pounds gained during the coming months. We have found one AMAZING solution to this issue in this recipe for Quinoa Chili! Super filling and hearty, this meal will leave your mouth packed with flavor and your bod full of fiber, protein and cancer-fighting antioxidants. A bowl of this on a cool fall evening sounds like the perfect way to end the day if you ask us!

Healthy Halloween

HAPPY HALLOWEEN WEEK! Pumpkins, costumes, and…. candy galore. The one downfall to this amazing holiday. We are constantly being bombarded by all kinds of sweet treats that are packed with artificial sugars, colors, and all kinds of gnarly chemicals. We’re still not sure why things that are so bad for our bodies taste so good, but you know what? Things that are good for our bodies taste even BETTER. These super simple gummy treats are made from fresh fruit & veggie juice and taste WAY better than your average halloween candy. The best part? They are SO much better for our health and there is no need to feel guilty after satisfying your sweet tooth.

TASTY TUESDAYS // Pumpkin Yogurt Parfait

Most people don’t think of using pumpkins for anything other than making jack-o-lanterns or pie, but… in actuality, pumpkin is packed with nutrients that our body craves. A lot of the time pumpkin is thrown to the wayside simply because people are unsure of what to do with it, but there are actually SO many ways to incorporate it into meals year round. And, it would be a good idea to start doing so because there are tons of benefits to take advantage of!

TASTY TUESDAYS // Avocado Superfood Smoothie

Okay, we know it sounds pretty strange! Avocado and smoothie just don’t seem like they should go together in a sentence, let alone in something we put in our mouth. But… this recipe shows us how to make a powerhouse smoothie that is sure to satisfy your taste buds & your body! Packed with fruits and veggies, this A M A Z I N G superfood smoothie is begging to be made and will provide your bod with an extra dose of cancer-fighting carotenoids & vitamin E!

TASTY TUESDAYS // Chickpea Tacos

This Tasty Tuesday = Taco Tuesday! Our friends over at Goofy Foot Foods introduced us to our new favorite way to add a little spice to our lives with these DELISH chickpea tacos. These are a totally new way to enjoy Mexican cuisine and you will feel way less guilty than you would after chowing down on a big ole burrito. Not only that, but the main ingredient, chickpeas(or garbanzo beans as some people know them), is packed with fiber and other nutritional benefits. No complaints here!