CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Minty Maca Spirulina Smoothie

When you’re feeling rundown from long work hours, overdoing your workout routine, or lack of sleep, try giving Spirulina a try. Spirulina is a nutrient-rich form of fresh-water algae, grown and dried into a deep, dark green (nutrient-rich) powder with an added bonus of containing the highest concentration of complete proteins found in any food. Now, that is a superfood! We find it easiest to use Spirulina in smoothies, dips, and dressings, but there are tons of ways for you to enjoy it!

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // 8 Foods to Balance Your Hormones

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of keeping your hormones balanced and your estrogen at healthy levels in order to reduce your breast cancer risk. What you eat regulates many aspects of body function, including the secretion of certain hormones. Your diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight and ward of different diseases and sicknesses. Below is a list of foods to eat (and to avoid) that will help you maintain a healthy hormonal balance.


Maintaining a healthy body weight and staying active is oh so important when it comes to reducing your breast cancer risk. Some of you may not know, but fat cells produce most of the estrogen in the female body. The more fat tissue in a woman’s body, the higher her estrogen levels are likely to be, and the higher her risk of breast cancer. Aside from eating smart and staying active, there are a few other things we can do to help combat those pesky fat cells. In comes TEA — helping you lose weight, or more specifically, preventing your body from being able to gain weight. There are so many different kinds of teas out there that do tons of different things for your body. We’ve got a list of 6 of the best wellness-boosting teas out there for you to try!


Isn’t this drink gorgeous?! We’re guilty of being drawn to this recipe just because of how beautiful it was, but then we realized just how great it truly is. These cubes are made of 100 percent pure pitaya and are a perfect, nutrition-filled alternative to a normal ice cube. They’re super easy to make and are the perfect way to spice up any drink or eat as a refreshing, summertime snack!

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Pineapple Refresher Smoothie

This week we’re bringing you an incredibly refreshing smoothie for these hot summer days! The Pineapple Refresher smoothie is packed with nutrients and delicious ingredients and is one of the many recipes in our Quick and Clean Salads & Smoothies Recipe Book. The book is packed with super simple recipes that are full of antioxidant-rich, cancer-fighting ingredients! Check out one of our personal favorites!

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Coconut Chai Chia Pudding

The name is a bit of a mouthful, but this recipe combines two of our favorite breakfast flavors: chai and blueberry. Not only is this breakfast delish, it comes with some serious health benefits and is far healthier than a chai latte or blueberry muffin. This dish takes very little prep time and is perfect to grab when you’re heading out the door. We like to top off this simple chia pudding with antioxidant-rich blueberries to add a serious cancer-fighting punch. Besides the amazing flavors, check out the TWO big reasons why we think you should chow down on this for breakfast!

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Pineapple Acai Boat

The magical acai berry! If you haven’t heard of this insane superfood yet, well, you might be living under a rock… Acai is all over the place and for good reason! This indigenous berry is commonly found in the rain forests of the Amazon and is a relative of the more common blueberry and cranberry. The antioxidant-rich fruit has been heralded for centuries as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting fruit, not to mention a cancer-fighting powerhouse.