TASTY TUESDAYS // Kale Oatmeal Smoothie

It’s that time of year where it seems like we are always GO GO GO, but that doesn’t mean you have an excuse to stop eating right. Although the mornings may be chilly, smoothies are still a perfect way to get your day started out right and still make it out the door on time. This cancer-fighting green smoothie is packed with protein and potassium and will keep your stomach satisfied until lunch time!

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // Why Snowboarding Can’t Be Beat

It has been a super wet week here in Southern California and with rain comes snow… We are STOKED! Snowboarding season is finally here and is definitely one of our favorite times of the year. We cannot wait to spend all of our free time in the mountains! Not only is snowboarding insanely fun, it’s a great way to stay active during the chilly winter months. Burn calories and spend our time out in beautiful mother nature, you don’t have to tell us twice. Whether you’re a pro or just beginning, we’ve got a few reasons why you should spend some time on a board this season!

TASTY TUESDAYS // Coconut Squash Butter

With this years Thanksgiving festivities wrapped up, we move full steam ahead into the time of giving. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to come up with gifts for your co-workers, neighbors, friends, and all the other amazing people in your life, but we have a solution! Homemade gifts are always the best and this recipe from our friends at Goofy Foot Foods is an absolutely perfect way to cross some names off your shopping list. Combine squash, spices, and other simple ingredients, blend them all together, pack it in a jar, and you’ve got yourself a DELISH Coconut Squash Butter to share for the holidays!

Pause 4 Prevention // Beauty Detox

When it comes to the products you put on your body, skin, or hair, one thing’s for sure: most companies that makes those products don’t have your back. Heather White, Executive Director of the Environmental Working Group, explains why our lotions, makeup, and shampoos are loaded with dangerous chemicals, why babies are born with hundreds…

TASTY TUESDAYS // Spiced Sweet Potatoes

So it turns out someone might ask you to bring something to a Thanksgiving or holiday party this season…and we’ve got you covered with this delightfully sweet and slightly spicy HEALTHY treat from our friends at Goofy Foot Foods!  Get the recipe and read about the mega nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes below, and if…

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // All About That Self Love

Showing your love for other people, nature, and whatever else you so choose is awesome but don’t forget who else needs love too… YOU! Loving yourself is one of our 7 steps to stomp out breast cancer and it is key in maintaining good overall health in all aspects of life— physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. For some, loving yourself may seem difficult, but we promise you it can be quite easy and SO worth it. Finding your inner confidence will make you so much happier and so much healthier!

TASTY TUESDAYS // Butternut Squash Kale Salad

The weather is getting chillier but that doesn’t mean a good salad won’t hit the spot! It’s time to take advantage of what’s in season and whip up some fantastically creative and oh so delicious dishes. That’s where this recipe comes in! Combine the superfood of all superfoods, kale, with roasted butternut squash, and chickpeas, add a drizzle of tahini dressing, and you’ve got yourself a cancer-fighting, phytonutrient packed, all around insanely healthy salad that will be sure to get your taste buds excited!