B4BC’s Free Mobile App Puts Breast Cancer Prevention at Your Fingertips

B4BC’s Free Mobile App Puts Breast Cancer Prevention at Your Fingertips with Monthly Breast Self-Exam Reminder, Self Exam Guide and Wellness Content Available Now on iTunes and Google Play  It’s almost Breast Cancer Awareness Month – have you done your monthly breast self-exam (BSE) yet?  According to Johns Hopkins Medical Center, “40% percent of diagnosed breast cancer is detected…


Get your lazy day morning pancake fix from Team B4BC rider Elena Hight with a fiber-filled twist! The fiber in the oats helps lower cholesterol and may lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity, and makes you feel full for longer. Quick oats also contain calcium and iron, but the amount varies due to fortification. So what are you waiting for? These are DELISH.

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // 5 Minute Guide to Meditation

Many people find meditation to be frustrating or pointless, yet when they really delve into the practice, they find it incredibly helpful for their happiness and peace of mind! The world of meditation is unknown to many and people tend to not fully understand how or why people choose to meditate. We’ve laid out some great info to help you get a grasp on what mediation is all about, and how it can help your overall health and wellness.


A night out with the girls and a few martinis is always nice, but did you know just one night of binge drinking has some serious repercussions. Although a night of drinking can be fun in the moment, it’s side effects are much more serious then that nasty hangover the next morning. Binge drinking leads to higher endotoxin levels and ultimately, a higher risk for breast cancer. Pretty gnarly right?


We all know what happens when we don’t get enough sleep; we wake up groggy and cranky and then cram our body full of caffeine in order to make up for our lack of energy (we’re definitely guilty of this one on occasion). Short term effects of sleep depravation are evident and more and more studies are being conducted to find out if there are less obvious, long-term effects.