BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Summertime Sunshine Tips

4th of July is coming up this weekend and we know most of you will be spending your holiday outdoors basking in the glorious sunshine! Before you head outside to soak up some rays, it’s important to understand just what the sun does for our bodies; the same goes for sunscreen. We’ve been told for decades that we need to slather ourselves with sunscreen all day long — whether it’s sunny or cloudy, winter or summer — in order to protect ourselves from the damages and health risks imposed by the sun.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // 9 Secret Wellness Rules

Many people don’t realize how many different aspects of your daily life contribute to your overall health. A healthier you = A lower risk of breast cancer and other sicknesses. You may be up on the latest health trends and get your recommended amount of sleep but we bet there are a few things out there that you haven’t tried yet. We’ve got some secret wellness tips that only the healthiest of people know! Read up on some not-so-obvious tricks you can use to increase your overall health and reduce your breast cancer risk.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Megan Pischke’s Meditation Guide

We’re well aware that often times meditation is easier than it sounds. Meditation can be different for each and every person and it may take some experimenting to figure out what exactly works for you. We promise you that the reward is worth the struggle. Meditation can help reduce your blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and give you an overall better sense of balance and calmness. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation (meditation), when practiced daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Pretty amazing what sitting still can do for you! This week we’re bringing you a special post from North Face athlete and breast cancer survivor, Megan Pischke. She gives us her take on meditation and a peek into how the process worked for her. Check it out below!

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // How Your Weight Impacts Your Breast Cancer Risk

We always hear it, but a healthy weight means a much healthier you. Step number 2 in our 7 Steps to Stomp Out Breast Cancer is BE ACTIVE! Studies show that being active 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week can significantly reduce your risk of breast cancer, not to mention do wonders for your overall health. Doing regular exercise helps reduce body fat and improves muscle tone helping to keep your body slim and fit!

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Make Your Own Non-Toxic Beauty Products

At this point, we know that most beauty products we buy from the store have all kinds of chemicals in them. Most of the time we don’t even realize how many negative effects these chemicals can have, often times normal products contain cancer-causing toxins. If you want to check where your cosmetics fall on the toxicity charts, you can check them out by brand name on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database!

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // 10 Toxic Products to Avoid in Your Home

Our world is full of beautiful mountains, vast oceans, and amazing forests that we as humans get to enjoy!Unfortunately, our world is also filled with nasty toxins that can have a large effect on our health over the years, possibly even cause cancer. A lot of the time, these chemicals are hidden in things we use every single day… scary right? We’ve got a list of 10 things that can be easily avoided in your home to live a more healthy life and help you STAY AWAY from toxins.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // What Are Free Radicals and Why Are They Increasing Your Cancer Risk?

We know free radicals are bad, but why? We got the lowdown so you can better protect yourself and reduce your breast cancer risk.

So, really—what are free radicals? The “Chemistry 101” answer is that free radicals are atoms or molecules with an unpaired electron. This makes them unstable. So, like that children’s game of musical chairs, they’re on the hunt for an extra electron to steal in order to become stable.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // How Sunlight Affects Mood, Immunity, and Your Cancer Risk

We LOVE sunshine and we’re sure we aren’t the only ones! It’s hard to beat spending a day outdoors soaking in the sun’s rays and it’s getting to be that time of year where all we want to do is frolic outside! Although we do have to be careful about our exposure to UV rays, spending time in the sun has one HUGE benefit that people often forget.. VITAMIN D! This little vitamin does the body big favors by boosting our immune systems and preventing more serious diseases.