You already know that pesticides are bad for you, linked to cancer and should be washed off your grub…but how do you wash off chemicals that are inserted into the DNA of your produce? It doesn’t help that 26% of Americans don’t even know that there are GMOs inside their food. Read our cheat sheet on how and why you should shop organic, and the top products to avoid!


Learning that I had breast cancer was a result of my reluctant and arduous efforts in gaining medical insurance. After answering all questions required before getting onto a temporary plan, I came to the realization that I didn’t have an annual checkup in 2012. It’s now February of 2013, and since my new insurance is telling me that these annual checkups are not covered, I think to myself, “Welp, I’ll skip this year, too, and just feel myself up right now.” Small breast, big lump. Weird, hard lump. I’m only 26, and this is the first time I’ve ever done a self-examination.


With over 2.9 million breast cancer survivors in the US alone, B4BC recognizes the importance of supporting our growing survivor community. In 2009, the B4BC Survivorship Fund was established to connect breast cancer survivors with nature-based wellness experiences that enhance their path of healing and long-term survivorship.

TEAM B4BC // Ms. Superpark Recap

Team B4BC rider Kimmy Fasani put together a fun little recap of Snowboarder Magazine’s Ms. Superpark event and the “Snowblind Date” bachelorette auction at Mammoth Mountain benefiting B4BC, which raised over $4K!  Get the full scoop from Kimmy below: Hailey Langland | Photo: Peter Morning When about 100 of the leading ladies from all different…


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Team B4BC rider Kimmy Fasani!! Not only is Kimmy a stellar snowboarder, but she’s also an amazing supporter of B4BC’s Survivorship Fund and hosted her own “It’s Personal” dinner last year with husband Chris Benchetler based around how cancer has affected their loved ones, which benefited B4BC’s support programs. Help us wish…

EARTH DAY // The Healing Powers of Mother Nature

Before I was even diagnosed, Mother Nature was my doctor. I would look to her for inspiration, joy, relief, release, grounding and healing in general. So of course when it came down to this last year of intense therapies, hospitals, clinics, ivs, and everything that comes with that, I knew I could count on Her.

HAPPY EARTH DAY! // Liz’s Guide to “Eating for Earth”

This week for Tasty Tuesday, we invited Team B4BC surfer and environmentalist Liz Clark to give us the run-down on how she lives her life for Earth Day everyday. Check out her blog article below detailing a comprehensive guide to eating that will keep both you and the earth healthy, and her thoughts on eating meat, seafood, and GMO’s. Even if this is the only Earth Day article you read today, you can feel good about learning how to make a difference!