SURFING + YOGA HEALS // B4BC Survivorship Fund

We couldn’t have asked for a better day to kick off “Surfing + Yoga Heals,” a daylong ocean-based wellness experience on August 8, for breast cancer survivors, presented by the B4BC Survivorship Fund. A super-big thanks goes out to Yoga Long Beach and the Skudin Surf Camp for taking the day to help cultivate our…

TASTY TUESDAY // Grilled Mangos

Mangos are already irresistibly sweet and juicy, but you can take them to a whole new level by throwing them on the grill. Grilling brings out the mango’s natural sugars, and topping them with a little cayenne and jalapeno creates a lovely sweet and spicy combo that would make a great side dish with fish. The antioxidants…

IT’S PERSONAL // For B4BC Team Rider Allysha Bergado

“To me, cancer is one of the most unfortunate afflictions in the world. It’s devastating and I wouldn’t wish it upon anybody. About two years ago, my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. It had a vast effect on my family. But when she stayed strong, pushed through and became a cancer survivor, we felt such overwhelming relief. I saw the strength that was needed to get through the hardship and it made me realize that I wanted to do everything I could to help prevent myself from cancer. When I was introduced to B4BC, I was very glad to join the team. Now, I can use my passion for skateboarding as a way to help myself stay healthy and active to help prevent cancer.” – Allysha Bergado

2012 SKATE THE LAKE // A Push To Remember!

B4BC’s Eight Annual Skate the Lake Presented by Tahoe Longboards took place last Saturday, Aug. 18 in North Lake Tahoe and was a great success Over 85 participants pushed for prevention and collectively fundraised over $10K! Participants included Tahoe residents from near and friends from afar to encourage people to come together and show one…

B4BC Skate The Lake 2012

2012 Skate The Lake // A Push To Remember

B4BC’s Eight Annual Skate the Lake Presented by Tahoe Longboards took place last Saturday, Aug. 18 in North Lake Tahoe and was a great success Over 85 participants pushed for prevention and collectively fundraised over $10K! Participants included Tahoe residents from near and friends from afar to encourage people to come together and show one…