ATTENTION BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS + LOVED ONES: Boarding For Breast Cancer is pleased to host our 9th holistic outdoor retreat with our wellness ambassador, and former pro-snowboarder, Megan Pischke. The Chasing Sunshine Mountain Retreat, tailored specifically towards breast cancer patients and survivors, is led by Megan and her team of facilitators with expertise in massage therapy, yoga, nutritional medicine, life skills coaching, acupuncture, and more. It is a beautifully crafted weekend in Aspen, CO, February 3-6, 2016. B4BC is able to grant 8 breast cancer survivor scholarships to attend this wellness weekend.


In honor of upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC) is proud to continue its commitment to the survivor community with the launch of the digital release of the powerful and inspiring B4BC documentary film, Chasing Sunshine, made possible by The North Face. Chasing Sunshine follows professional snowboarder Megan Pischke…

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Megan’s Guide to Oil Pulling

Who knew this little baby could do so much good for our body. This week’s post comes from our friend and B4BC Wellness Ambassador Megan Pischke! If you’re like us, you’ve heard about oil pulling by now. It became a HUGE trend not too long ago because of the so-called benefits. Megan decided to hop on the bandwagon and find out if it really is worth the time. Read up on Megan’s experience and decide if you want to try oil pulling out for yourself!


This week’s post is coming all the way from Costa Rica! B4BC Ambassador Megan Pischke is spending her summer down south and is sharing with us one of her favorite foods she has discovered, guanabana. I discovered guanabana last summer while I was in Costa Rica gathering my strength and health after a long year of cancer treatments. One day, my girlfriend ordered me the most delicious smoothie I had drank in a very long time. It tasted like pineapple, marshmallows, and sour grapes; it was creamy and all the flavors were wrapped into one. It became my new favorite and I had one every day that summer. I’m back here in Costa Rica for the summer now. Not only do I want to plant a tree in my yard, but I also want to find the fruit and have it readily available for all my popsicle and smoothie needs.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Megan Pischke’s Meditation Guide

We’re well aware that often times meditation is easier than it sounds. Meditation can be different for each and every person and it may take some experimenting to figure out what exactly works for you. We promise you that the reward is worth the struggle. Meditation can help reduce your blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and give you an overall better sense of balance and calmness. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation (meditation), when practiced daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Pretty amazing what sitting still can do for you! This week we’re bringing you a special post from North Face athlete and breast cancer survivor, Megan Pischke. She gives us her take on meditation and a peek into how the process worked for her. Check it out below!

Chasing Sunshine Canada Premiere: Recap

Massive amounts of gratitude for everyone who showed up to last week’s Chasing Sunshine premiere in Squamish, B.C. We raised an AMAZING $1036 in cash donations thanks to all of your support and open hearts. A very special thank you to the lovely Larsen Sisters (Lindsay and Cameron) who sang their hearts out, Gord at Blacksheep Event Rentals for a projector and screen, local artist Chili Thom for the sound equipment, and Tommy at The Living Room for the awesome venue!


What is water kefir? Is it alive? What does it taste like? Is it even good for you? This Tuesday, our Cancer Fighting Food recipe comes from pro snowboarder and breast cancer survivor Megan Pischke, with her favorite recipe for water kefir. Megs shared with all of us the incredible health benefits, and how she used water kefir to build up her immune system following her chemotherapy treatments. Haven’t heard of it? Read up!

B4BC’s Chasing Sunshine Premiere

Join us for the world premiere of B4BC’s Chasing Sunshine Project documenting pro snowboarder Megan Pischke’s breast cancer journey at X Games Aspen on Wednesday, January 21! There will be a post-premiere celebration at the exclusive Caribou Club, with tickets available for purchase at This story is one you don’t want to miss. More info on the premiere and after party at