PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // 5 Minute Guide to Meditation

Many people find meditation to be frustrating or pointless, yet when they really delve into the practice, they find it incredibly helpful for their happiness and peace of mind! The world of meditation is unknown to many and people tend to not fully understand how or why people choose to meditate. We’ve laid out some great info to help you get a grasp on what mediation is all about, and how it can help your overall health and wellness.


A night out with the girls and a few martinis is always nice, but did you know just one night of binge drinking has some serious repercussions. Although a night of drinking can be fun in the moment, it’s side effects are much more serious then that nasty hangover the next morning. Binge drinking leads to higher endotoxin levels and ultimately, a higher risk for breast cancer. Pretty gnarly right?


We all know what happens when we don’t get enough sleep; we wake up groggy and cranky and then cram our body full of caffeine in order to make up for our lack of energy (we’re definitely guilty of this one on occasion). Short term effects of sleep depravation are evident and more and more studies are being conducted to find out if there are less obvious, long-term effects.

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // Get Outside to Get Healthy

Summertime is in full swing and we are loving spending as much time outdoors as we possibly can! From the beach to the mountains, there are so many amazing things we can do in the great outdoors during this time of the year. Not only does being outside make us happy, it makes us healthy! Here we’ve got seven ways how being outside makes you healthier…AS IF we needed more reasons to get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather!

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // The MAN Guide for Non-Toxic Shopping

We know we spend a lot of time on the ladies here at B4BC, but as it turns out, men use an average of 6 personal care products a day that are chock-full of toxins and contributing to your cancer risk. Whether it be your deodorant, aftershave or lotion, we got the inside scoop on how to shop chemical-free from GOOD, who’s motto on the topic is “If you don’t want to do it for the planet, or yourself, do it for your sperm.” You heard it here first, gentlemen. Read on to see the Man Guide to Non-Toxic Shopping.

PAUSE FOR PREVENTION // Chemicals of Concern

Most of us use numerous personal care products on our body each day, whether we are doing our makeup in the morning, washing our face at night, or anything in between. Unfortunately, many of us are not aware of exactly how these products are impacting our body. From shampoo to lipstick, deodorant to sunscreen, many of these products include chemicals that can be far more damaging to our bodies than we know.

PAUSE 4 PREVENTION // Check One, Two!

It’s the middle of the month…have you done your monthly BSE (breast self-exam) yet? According to Johns Hopkins Medical center, “40% percent of diagnosed #breastcancer is detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” If you need some instruction or a monthly reminder, download the free B4BC…