This week B4BC Wellness Ambassador and breast cancer survivor Megan Pischke is sharing secrets from her morning ritual that keep her healthy & happy!
There is a few things in my morning ritual that I think are key to me having a successful day. Warm lemon water, some yummy stretching, and a good, well here comes the awkward one: a good poop. I don’t know about you— but my day always seems to go better when I have a good morning poop. It’s something I cherish actually. For many years I had to deal with constipation, food allergies and sensitivities, and it took me quite awhile, and a lot of personal research and perseverance to figure out what works best for me. Pooping regularly means that much to me.
Not really sure how to act like it’s no biggie since it’s embarrassing to speak about—but we all do it, and lets face it, the health of our colons and how we are able to digest and assimilate food, is rather important. But beyond digestion, the digestive system has been nicknamed by some scientists as our second brain, due to an extensive network of neurons. That other little brain in our bellies, in connection with the big one in our skulls, partly determines our moods, emotional and mental states. Making sure that you are eliminating regularly, and things are feeling smooth is really important to your health, as that process can play key roles in dealing with certain diseases through out the body.
Our digestive tract isn’t really fully formed until we reach double digits, but even if you ate fake food like Twinkies/McDonalds and swallowed your gum in 4th, 5th and 6th grade, its never too late. The bad thing is, we have lost loved ones to colon cancers, and have had family members and friends suffer from colon diseases like diverticulitis, Chrons Disease and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). And more than likely, we have suffered ourselves with some bloating, gas and constipation at some point. But when you start to find even the occasional bloating, is getting in the way of feeling good, its time to put both brains to work here.
I have found it helpful to keep a food diary when Im feeling off. Maybe you will discover if there are certain foods that make you feel worse or better. Here are some things that keep me happy when it comes to my digestion:
- Chewing my food: Well we all think we chew our food- but from my own experience and busy lifestyle, it can become an unconscious reflex. But taking the time to savor, chew, and process food in your mouth, will not only allow you to absorb more nutrients and energy from your food, but can leave less bacteria lingering in your intestines. Which means less bloating and gas, yay!
- Fiber: Eating a variety of foods rich in fiber. These are my favorite fiber sources: Raspberries, pears, broccoli, brown rice, oatmeal and avocados. You can also add things like Nutracleanse and or chia seeds to smoothies and juices. Don’t forget to “chew” your juices.
- Water: You need to not only hydrate your muscles and tissues, but it is needed to avoid toxin build up in your colon and your body. Drinking 8 ozs or more a day can help keep you cleansed, and toxins flowing out rather than around inside.
- Colon Cleansing/ Colonics: Its quite popular these days to have someone assist you in “rinsing” out your colon. Its kind of cool actually, as most modern colon hydrotherapy centers have someone who can get you started, then leave the room while you listen to nice music, and massage your belly. The basic principle of a colonic and an enema is the same- they are both ways of using water to flush out your rectum (and all the toxins and waste that is in there). But from personal experience I feel like a series of colonics has served me better for the long term. From dealing with a tape worm, to spring detoxing, colonics were more soothing and thorough then enemas.
- Probiotics: For constipation, whether long term or acute from eating the wrong foods, probiotics are my best friend. I have found they not only keep my colon happy, but have helped build my immune system up when my household has been sick.
- And last but certainly not least: Exercise: Even if you can walk or run for twenty or thirty minutes day, this should loosen things up in your belly. My favorite belly moving activities is yoga, surfing and running.