Women’s Skateboarding Alliance (WSA), the global management and consulting agency dedicated to authentically representing the industry voice of women’s skateboarding in partnership with The Alliance, a nonprofit association of professional women skateboarders, established the first ever global qualifying event in the history of women’s skateboarding for X Games. WSA is honored to team up with Seattle-based Skate Like a Girl (SLAG) and ESPN’s X Games to facilitate this venture.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Healthy tips for B4BC’s Snowboard + Music Festival

Spring is here, and with it comes many a music festival, including B4BC’s Snowboard + Music Festival this weekend at Sierra-at-Tahoe! We want to make sure we keep all of our festival-goers healthy over the weekend and on all the other adventures this festival season brings. Since we’re in the healthy body business, we’ve put together a few crucial tips to take care of your body while you’re listening to the good jams.

5 foods to help you balance hormones and prevent cancer

When your hormones are out of balance, you know it. Stress takes over, weight creeps on for seemingly no reason at all, a full night of sleep is a thing of the past, and energy slips away all too easily. Unfortunately, hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance can greatly increase our breast cancer risk. However, we’ve also got some good news: reducing the effects of many of these factors is well within our influence! What you eat regulates many aspects of body function, including the secretion of certain hormones & your diet can help you maintain a healthy body weight, ward of different diseases and sicknesses, keep our hormones balanced and our estrogen at healthy levels.

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // 5 Household Ingredients to Avoid for Breast Cancer Prevention

A few years ago, when I wanted to learn just how toxic the inside of my home had become, I called on Albert Donnay, a Johns Hopkins–trained toxicologist. Donnay is a master at revealing the invisible and the dangerous. To do this, he walks around your house with his nose in the air. The first thing Donnay asks his clients to do is gather all of their cleaning products, laundry detergents, bug sprays, air fresheners, dryer sheets — in effect, anything they can smell — and dump it all in a big garbage bag. Then he has them tie the bag shut for a month. Once the month is up, he tells them to open the bag and … inhale. Donnay calls the garbage bag ‘the most effective thing I have to convince you to improve air quality in your home.

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Megan Pischke’s Super Booster Salmon + Kale Soup

I love soups. I love Salmon. These days there seems to be more and more information regarding how amazing salmon is for your body. And lucky me, I live in the North West, and my family and I often enjoy this fish fresh. Salmon contains potent omega-3 fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acids and docosahexaenoic acids. Yeah, fun words, but even more fun that they are so proficient at getting rid of inflammation. I was taught to only combine animal protein soups with non-starchy veggies, ocean veggies, and raw salads. This is a quick and easy recipe to share with someone you love.

Megan Pischke’s Crystal Vision

I don’t remember when I started to collect crystals. But I do have a pretty good memory of all my dressers and bedside tables growing up. And they were all covered in rocks, shells, odd sticks/driftwood, and random pieces of chewed bubble gum. I remember once my dad bringing me home a bag of polished rocks from Wyoming. The Amethyst, Tigers Eye, and Rose Quartz stuck with me for nearly 20 years in over 6 different homes and lots of travels.


We’re back in Los Angeles after an amazing week in Vail, Colorado at the 34th Annual Burton US Open of Snowboarding. We couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather for 4 days of outreach and incredible competition. We spent most of our time in the sponsor village hanging out with visitors from all over the world, spreading the word about early detection and prevention.