Hey there boarding babes and bros!
My name is Taylor, your friendly neighborhood content guru, and I’ll be bringing you some super healthful info, tips, and quips from time to time.We’re kicking off Yum Yum Tuesdays with something that makes me very happy inside. Trail mix. Whaaa?? Yeah, that’s right. My own secret, special blend, with very highly complex ratios of nuts and fruits and stuff, that I’ve been developing for years. Actually, it’s really pretty simple. I know this will make you as happy inside as it does me. Feast your eyes…and your tummies!
Trail Mix
Trail mix, I’m fairly, no, absolutely, convinced, is the perfect food. It’s always there for me and never let’s me down. You don’t have to keep it hot or cold, and it doesn’t get smooshed if you’re rough with it. I keep a bag in my purse, backpack, and car at all times for a mid day on-the-go energy boost. During the winter (which is right about…NOW, finally!), I keep a bag in my snowboard jacket because when I’m on the mountain shreddin’ the gnar and hittin’ the pow pow, I just don’t have time or patience for ski lodge food to slow me down. Today we’re making our own trail mix. How many times have you bought a pre-packaged trail mix rather than making your own? You probably buy it about 99.9% of the time. Actually, I’d venture to say you buy it about 100% of the time. You probably don’t even like all of the things in it, am I right? I’m sure you inevitably pick out the things you like and leave behind the things you don’t. Well stop. It’s a hassle. You’re wasting time and money, dude. By making your own, you get exactly what you want, how much of what you want, and you can control the nutritional content. No extra salt, no extra oil, no extra nonsense.
I have specific trail mix preferences when it comes to ingredients and ratios. I was sick and tired of the man telling me what kind of nuts and fruits were going to be in my trail mix, so I put my foot down, once and for all. I like a mix of almonds, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate.
Why this mix?
Almonds are super high in monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to reduce heart disease. Almonds are also full of fiber, and fiber is awesome. It keeps you satisfied and energized, and it reduces cholesterol, controls blood sugar, and reduces your cancer risk. But wait, there’s more! Order now and we’ll also include magnesium (improves blood flow), potassium (good for your muscles) and vitamin E (antioxidant action). Plus, they’ve got tons of protein. Sounds like nature’s performance enhancer.
Cranberries have a whole slew of benefits as well, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer powers.
The dark chocolate really needs no explanation. It’s just delicious. But if you must know, it’s good for your heart, relaxes blood pressure, can reduce cholesterol, stimulates endorphins (which make you happy!), and it’s just delicious.
For every pound of almonds, I like to add about 6-8 oz. of dried cranberries, and 3-5 oz. of dark chocolate chunks. I like my almonds raw. They’re lower in fat and I personally prefer the taste and texture. Sometimes I get creative and add stuff like smoked paprika. I like the way the smoky spiciness goes with the dark chocolate. You can also add cinnamon, or whatever else tickles your fancy. You can have a different flavor every day. Bored? Sprinkle in some coconut, throw in a few walnuts or pepitas, go crazy. I hope I’ve inspired you to become a master trailmixologist. It’ll change your life. Promise.
Happy shredding,