B4BC is gearing up for (4) days of action at X Games 17 here in Los Angeles July 28-31st!
Our educational booth will be in the TEAM ESPN corporate outreach tent alongside our friends at the Jimmy V Foundation, Adaptive Action Sports, and GRO (Girl Riders Organization).
X Games provides an incredible platform for outreach with tens of thousands of fans walking through the venue each day!
Friday at X Games is “Girls Day” and we’re happy to be in the mix with our sisters at GRO to bring an exceptional day of activities for the ladies! GRO is hosting girl-only Skate and BMX clinics throughout the day. First (300) ladies to visit GRO & B4BC in the TEAM ESPN tent get goodie bags too, so stop on by and check out the schedule of events for “Girls Day” below. We hope to see you!
For additional info on X Games please visit, www.xgames.com

B4BC Xgames 2011 Girls Day Graphic