B4BC x Warped Tour 2016

Boarding for Breast Cancer (B4BC) was very stoked and thankful to attend the 2016 Vans Warped Tour at the San Diego, Mountain View and Pomona dates as the Tour rolled through California August 5-7! We were able to meet hundreds of young people and promote our ideas of early detection and a healthy, active, and sustainable lifestyle as the best means for breast cancer prevention.


What an amazing weekend it was at B4BC’s 12th annual Skate the Lake 28-mile longboard-a-thon in Lake Tahoe! Last weekend was an HUGE success, with almost 70 skaters raising over $23K for Boarding for Breast Cancer’s education, prevention and support programs! We had an awesome weekend filled with tons of fun and an overwhelming amount of love and support from the Tahoe community.