BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // 5 Rules to Follow to Find Green Beauty Products

We get it, us gals love our beauty products! Whether you wear makeup everyday or just on special occasions, there is a good chance that you are using some sort of product that includes toxins that are not-so-hot for your body. We often don’t realize just how many different products we are lathering on our bodies each day so it’s important to take note of exactly what is in the products we do use.

B4BC’s 6th Annual Check One, Two Campus Tour Recap!

That’s a wrap on B4BC’s 6th Annual Check One, Two Campus Tour! The B4BC educational outreach posted up on ten different campuses, providing preventative health information to students while partnering with campus departments & clubs to give out wellness materials that highlight the benefits of early detection and a healthy, active lifestyle.

CANCER FIGHTING FOODS // Megan Pischke’s 15 Reasons to Love Avo

Today we’re sharing a snippet from B4BC Wellness Ambassador, breast cancer survivor, and our good friend Megan Pischke! If you know us, you know we love avocados and so does Megan. The health benefits of avocados include stopping the growth of cancer, while supporting the body’s natural defense mechanisms. A nutritional powerhouse, avocados provide a combination of comprehensive cancer fighters such as, carotenoids, vitamin E, lutein, and oleic acid. Naturally high in (healthy) fats, rich in fiber and loaded with nutrients – eating avocados make perfect sense and so does using them for all of their other other amazing properties. Megan is giving us 15 more reasons to add this superfood to our grocery lists!

BREAST CANCER PREVENTION // Love Your Body, Love Your Soul

The last step on our 8 Steps to Step out Breast Cancer is LOVE YOURSELF. Now, just because it’s the last step on our list, don’t think it is any less important. Loving ourselves is one of the most important things we can do to live a happy, healthy life! Loving yourself can help to assure good overall health— physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.We love being inspired by others and yoga girl Rachel Brathen sure is an extra big dose of inspiration. Check out what she has to say about self love & why it’s so important!