SHRED THE LOVE // B4BC has a full schedule of #ShredTheLove events this weekend and all season long! We’re at @mammothmountain @undergroundmammoth on Friday, @skicamelback on Saturday, and @powderridge on Sunday!! Get involved and fundraise at

PAUSE FOR PREVENTION // Cancer Myths Yesterday was #WorldCancerDay, created to dispel myths and spread knowledge about cancer and cancer prevention! Did you know you can download the B4BC app for free in the App Store (for iPhones and iPads) that is full of health info, plus you can set a monthly push notification to…

TASTY TUESDAYS // Swiss Chard Clementine Salad

This delicious Swiss Chard Clementine Salad from our friends at Goofy Foot Foods is SO GOOD and so good for you!! Swiss chard is an amazing source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, vitamin E, iron, dietary fiber, choline, vitamin B2, calcium, vitamin B6, phosphorus, protein…and we could go on. Basically, you should be eating this stuff.

THIS FRIDAY we are so excited to head up to @MammothMountain for the 2nd ever B4BC x @FILTERmagazine First Fridays with @FIDLAR_la at @undergroundmammoth!! Ladies get in for FREE, and the night benefits B4BC. More snow expected this week, get there!