Sister Saturdays – Maya V
Do you remember the day you were diagnosed?
My diagnosis was on Feb 26, 2017. I did my mammogram and biopsy, and the on call doctor took a long time to get back to me, so I went to my clinic, alone, thinking its good news because no one rushes to let me know. Then out of nowhere I saw my mom, she came to be with me. We walked into the office, the doc stared at the screen and said “you have a little bit of cancer”…. my heart kind of skipped, I felt like I was in a fog, not really processing. My mom started talking to him, but I can’t remember about what. Then we walked out, I called my husband, told him to get the kids today and that was it.
And is cancer ‘in your family’?
There is no cancer in my family.
Current treatment plan?
I am on zoladex shots ( every 4 weeks) and on daily letrozole.
Are milestones celebratory for you?
Yes! I celebrate and remember my last chemo treatment every year, and my diagnosis date marks my “cancerversary”.
CBD or THC in your regimen at all?
I take CBD oil for my headaches and aches and pains. I do not take THC.
Are there any diet and or food supplements you find helpful to keep your body feeling good?
My diet of choice is vegan keto- it felt so good to be on it, but I also love food, so some months I eat and some I cleanse. I take vitamin D, Turmeric and Calcium on a daily basis.
Yoga or meditation?
I do meditation and “active relaxation”…. I make sure that I find time to myself and relax, do my own thing that makes me feel happy.
Anything missing in your support space? (insurance coverage, meals on wheels, hot guys delivering chemo..?)
lol… actually, nothing… I have a good support system of friends and family. My kids keep me going. I was very positive throughout the whole thing because… whats the point? I had to look forward and only surround myself with positive drive.
What’s the hardest part of all of this?
Seeing my kids being quiet and concerned… wanting to do more and not able because the chemo drugs made me so tired. Losing my hair! As I lost my hair, I was no longer Maya.. I was Maya the cancer patient, for everyone to see and know.
What’s the easiest part of all this? And what makes you happy?
The easiest… I am not sure if there is an “easy” part- but here, now, no active treatment, my therapy is working, i no longer have side effects. Tons of things make me happy! I actually started a “happiness” project with my daughter, and every day we tell each other three things we are happy about or thankful for that day… we have been doing it for 2 years now, every day… and it turns out… I have tons of things to be happy about every day!
Does nature/being outdoors support your physical or emotional well-being? Favorite activities?
Yes! I love nature! I love being by the ocean or going for a simple hike in the woods. I love the smell of dew in the morning and fresh crisp air..
What would you say today to a young woman being diagnosed with breast cancer?
This is hard…. breathe, believe in your heart, reach out to people, tell them what you need… and no matter the stage or the outcome of the diagnosis… you still have a life to live, so live it, enjoy it, find happiness, and remember- there is always support if you need it.
See more Sister Saturdays here