To commence our Mother’s Day spotlight on Rad Mom’s…today we spotlight B4BC co-founder & women’s snowboard legend, Tina Basich!
Tina is perhaps one of the most recognizable pioneers of women’s snowboarding. To name a few accolades she was the first woman to land a 720 in competition and to have her own signature pro-model board.
In 1996, along with friends Lisa Hudson, Shannon Dunn, and Kathleen Gasperini she helped co-found Boarding For Breast Cancer; bringing her love of snowboarding to help benefit generations of young women about the importance of early detection and the value of an active lifestyle as the best means of prevention.
Pioneer, champion snowboarder, philanthropist, artist, TV host, role model, author, shop owner…the list of achievements goes on, but these days Tina is embracing a different kind of role of being a wife and a mother.
Where do you reside? Nevada City, CA
Mother of: Daughter, Addison
Current business endeavor: *Tina has a shop/studio called “My Favorite Things” in Nevada City, CA check it out,
Current involvement w/ B4BC? I am a co-founder and supporter and attend as many events as possible.
After all of these years why is it still important for you to stay involved? I am very passionate about Boarding for Breast Cancer and over the years I’ve seen so many women and young girls that are so grateful for the support and family of B4BC. I wish to always be a part of such a great cause. Staying involved means that I’m also reminded to strive to live a healthy lifestyle and do the same for my family.
How do you create a healthy active lifestyle for your family at home or on the road? My husband and I try our best to buy organic food as much as possible. (especially milk, eggs, and meat). We stay away from foods that are processed or have hidden ingredients like artificial sweeteners etc.
It’s not always possible to keep to this on the road. My mom and dad also have a garden and chickens so we get a lot of veggie from them!
Addison our daughter has a very active play time, when possible we’re outside playing or being active in the studio and we are raising her without TV.
Is Addison shredding yet? Not yet, but she loves to go sledding and make snowmen and watch mommy and auntie Lisa snowboard at uncle Mikey’s cabin!
Has having kids changed your perception on how you live your life? Yes it changes your whole life. I’m so proud to be Addison’s mommy, and I live my life to the fullest each day because she is a part of my life!
Tina and daughter Addison hiking in their local mountains!
Girls will be girls…Addison being active in a dress no less! 🙂