33rd Annual Legendary Banked Slalom

Photo Credit: Stantech
Huge waves of rad energy and positive snowboard vibes could be felt all through Mt Baker during the 33rd Annual Legendary Banked Slalom! Fierce competition among family and friends for coveted duct tape, and record breaking low temperatures made LBS #33 another unforgettable one for the books. All of this combined was more than enough to warm our hearts.

Photo Credit: Tim Zimmerman
This original Banked Slalom event brings together some of the best snowboarders in the game, and yet has the widest range of competitor categories, to allow ALL levels of shredders in on the same course. Low temperatures brought an even icier and challenging course than usual for riders this year. Deep turns and carved banks quickly turned to shaved ice, increasing the excitement and anticipation of it all.

All of the love, appreciation and stoke at the awards ceremony. Photo Credit: Courtney Linnborn
This is one of the only snowboard exclusive events offering Culture vs cash awards. Winners of this race aren’t taking home any cash prizing. Instead they’re taking home the pride and excitement of maintaining the legacy, simply a duct tape trophy and a Pendleton blanket.

B4BC’s Marketing + Wellness Manager Megan Pischke taking in the adrenaline before sliding into the course. Photo Credit: Courtney Linnborn
What’s truly unique is families gathering to watch each other compete. From the Pro Masters racing before watching their groms race the same course in the Next Generation (11 and younger) category, there is an unequivocal feeling of love bringing family and friends of all ages together. With friends competing against friends, in a loving encouraging way, there really aren’t any losers at LBS. There are tears from both men and women, older and younger, but it all comes from the pure exhilaration of it all. And okay, yes, sheer disappointment can happen when chasing duct tape!

Gromlette Estelle Pensiero flying through the course. Photo Credit: Tim Zimmerman
This year we were so stoked to see the speed the younger girls and groms were bringing- passing up their parents and even older categories for some solid times in the course. A huge congrats to The Pelchat sisters taking both Jr Girls and Girl Groms, and to our girls Estelle Pensiero for winning her first duct tape with a 3rd place in Jr Girls. For being a Canadian powder hound at heart, Estelle ruled the icy banks. Also, how lucky is B4BC to cheer on our very own Marketing + Wellness Manager Megan Pischke in the finals! Watching all the groms fly through the same course as the pros and retired pros, ams and older generations, reminds us to look back on our roots, see where we are now, and how much we have to look forward to. Snowboarding is alive and well, our future is looking bright!

Scott Sullivan – Saltwater Symphony
Thank you Mt Baker and the Howat Family for keeping this snowboarding tradition and dream alive. We already can’t wait for next year!