We are SO excited to debut our brand new & extremely beautiful Chasing Sunshine Project logo!! This amazing new piece was designed by our friends at Perspektiiv in South Lake Tahoe and perfectly captures the essence of Chasing Sunshine. Alison, the founder of Perspektiiv shares some words below about why she was inspired to help us with the redesign. Thank you so much Alison, we are in love with our new logo!
My name is Alison Lebofsky, I am the founder of Perspektiiv – a high quality graphic design and marketing company that promotes positivity. I have always looked up to the community of talented strong women that are B4BC, striving to help educate, inspire, and support women while creating a tight knit community influenced by a sport I am so passionate about. I was presented the opportunity work with B4BC in 2015 to recreate the Chasing Sunshine Logo and was elated and eager to work with a non-profit that I had supported, and watched grow from a young age.
Being involved with the logo redesign of The Chasing Sunshine film has further opened my eyes and my heart to how we see life’s challenges. There are always challenges we may face in this world – but it is how we heal, grow, and learn from these experiences that can make us more of a supportive community towards others.We all, especially as women, face many challenges in this world; daily challenges, and life altering challenges. I am inspired by the Chasing Sunshine mission to promote the importance of healing, growing and learning as a community as from other women’s challenges. No matter how big, no matter how small we are all enlightened women of this community. I hope that my passion and respect for Megan, and women who have shared similar journeys, and women on all journeys, is reflected in the design of The Chasing Sunshine Logo. I hope to evoke a feeling best described in In Megan’s words, “I invite you to join me, with an open mind and open heart. Together we can support one another through the difficult times, learn from them, and just as importantly, make positive changes not only in our own lives, but in the lives of our loved ones, communities, and beyond.”