B4BC is pleased to announce that several companies from the action sports industry and beyond have stepped up to create some amazing cause marketing products this season where as a percentage of the proceeds from each item will further benefit B4BC’s educational outreach efforts!
The list of cause marketing partners include:
Betty Rides, Billabong, Burton, CCS, Core Cases, DC Shoe Co., DVS Shoe Co., Electric, Element, Etnies, Giro, GNU, Hurley, Matix, Nixon, Paul Frank, Roxy, Sessions, Skull Candy, Spy Optic, Urban Decay, Vans, Volcom, Von Zipper, and Zoo York.
Please visit the B4BC store for details on each super stylie item!
B4BC would like to sincerely thank all of our cause marketing partners for their commitment to our cause. We could not reach the amount of young adults that we do without your support and for that we are truly grateful!
Many thanks,